07923 906885

Just Breathe...
Breathe began as a peer support programme designed to assist colleagues with mental health injury and illness support. We have since expanded our remit and now offer packages not only in the Breathe method, but the following:
Breathe Practitioners
Breathe Managers
Emotional intelligence for Supervisors
True Grit
Breathe Lifestyle
Breathe Lifestyle (Interim)
Breathe Easy
Breathe Skola
Breathe X-Treme
GET IT SMART - Organisational debriefing
The Breathe concept(c) focuses on the development of a dynamic and proactive welfare culture within an Organisation. Recognising the positive impact of peer support, Breathe utilises such principles to assist employees in the aftermath of a Traumatic Event as well as providing critical support for other identifiable stressors known as the Accumulative Narrative(c).
Whether you are looking for some support right now, considering one of training programmes or transforming your life, we will be able to help you!
We are available 24/7 if you are in need.

The Breathe concept was initially formed in response to a specific traumatic event involving numerous employees within an Organisation. Due to the lack of support provision in place, these employees were left to fend for themselves and find their own support system. Our CEO stepped in along with our Breathe Practitioners who asked the two questions on which Breathe is founded - how are you? How can we help?
Through continued determination, passion and empathy - Breathe Centric Ltd was born.
Our Breathe Managers and Practitioners are dedicated to finding cutting edge practical solutions that can be used to support an individual who has been exposed to trauma or due to an accumulation of life stressors need some support whilst they navigate through their journey to recovery.

At Breathe Centric Ltd we offer bespoke training to Organisations to promote a welfare culture as well as individual support to over 3000 clients!
Breathe Practitioner - Through our two day training course, employees will be trained to practice the Breathe concept and offer vital peer support to colleagues.
Once a Breathe Practitioner, you have the option to undertake an additional day's training to become a Breathe Manager.
Breathe Centric Ltd is unique in that we ask you, the client, what you want to achieve. We don't provide a 'one size fits all approach' - we know the importance of understanding your business and the pressures that your employees are experiencing.
We will meet with representatives within your Organisation and tailor our services to ensure we meet your specific needs.
**We are also pleased to announce additional courses and packages!**
Emotional intelligence for supervisors
True Grit
Breathe Lifestyle - one of our most popular packages! If you are looking to enhance your lifestyle to make you the best version of yourself, this is the package for you. You will work 1-2-1 with our Breathe Lifestyle coach to address the four pillars of a healthy lifestyle, have access to support in these areas 24/7 and be on your way to a happier, healthier life within weeks!
Breathe Lifestyle (Interim) - a 6 week condensed version of Breathe Lifestyle including 6 week physical training programme, nutritional advice and practical coping skills for stress and anxiety. Proven results through recent Job Related Fitness Test support!
Breathe Easy - 12 month programme with monthly subscription including bespoke physical training programmes to help you reach your goals (can be completed at home, outdoors or at the Gym), nutritional advice, sleep hygiene advice and support for mental fitness
Breathe Centric Ltd want all of our clients to experience the impressive level of professionalism, compassion and care we provide. Following completion of any of our courses, you will have access to Breathe Centric Ltd for the lifetime of your certification with us!
Additionally, we are able to provide 24/7 cover for urgent matters and act as Trauma Incident Managers for your Organisation if so required.
To find out how we can support you as an individual or your Organisation, contact us for further information or visit our course page for some additional information.
Breathe Skola - School placement appeals support. This includes advice and guidance on how to frame your appeal as well as ongoing support during this process - we recognise how challenging this time can be so let us take some of the strain!
Breathe X-Treme - Coming soon!!! Self defence training utilising simple and effective skills whilst improving cardio ability and strength training. Mixed gender and gender exclusive sessions available. Whether it's a one off or a 12 week program, increase your personal confidence in dealing with conflict and physical ability to defend yourself.

Economic, Legal, Moral
The annual cost of stress related illness to Organisations in financial terms has been estimated to be c. £15 billion. The Institute of Occupational Safety and Health cite stress as being a significant contributor to accidents and mistakes. When considering the uninsured costs associated with workplace accidents and injury, isn't it worth investing to mitigate against this?
There is a whole host of Legislation that places a positive obligation on Organisations to protect their employees - but this IS NOT limited to physical safety. Aside from Statutory duties, there are an increasing number of cases whereby Organisations are being successfully sued for failing to protect their employees from psychological injury AND failing to provide suitable and sufficient welfare support.
It is the right thing to do!
Research conducted in recent years outlines the benefits of an entrenched peer support programme. Repper and Carter's paper (2011) on such a scheme outlines the wider benefits including a sense of empowerment, social functioning, empathy and the reduction of stigma.
In fact, the British Medical Journal has recently released a further supportive paper outlining how peer support can often be more effective and impactive than clinical intervention.

"I was the victim of violent unprovoked attack which left me with flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety and PTSD. For months I struggled against a system that failed to underatand how much a taumatic incident can be the start of life spiraling out of control. At the point I felt I couldn't do anymore through exhaustion and trying to battle the symptoms of PTSD and reaching out for support and seemingly getting nowhere I was introduced to a Breathe practitioner, who from the first moment gave me kindness, understanding and guidence in how with their support I could help myself to start my recovery "

Breathe is fantastic. From my perspective being able to have conversations with someone not directly involved with my line management made a huge difference. The Breathe Practitioner was happy to listen and could actually see some of it from my side. They took the time to ask me what I wanted and or what could be done for me.
In relation to my well-being, the conversations put me back on the straight and narrow and I felt the Breathe Practitioner was approachable and willing to listen. My stress levels completely disappeared and if I am being perfectly honest, my employer has gained as its like having a brand new Supervisor back and that's all down to the support offered. I just wanted someone to listen and on the days I spoke with the Breathe Practitioner, I went home happy. It comes down to actually treating the person as an individual - a human being.

I saw first hand how Breathe works. In the aftermath of a traumatic incident, colleagues were left without any structured assistance to address welfare concerns. Once Breathe Centric became involved, there was a clear plan in place and a specific point of contact. This means colleagues had consistency which was vital when dealing with their trauma as they didn't want to have to explain their feelings over and over again to different people. Breathe also looks after the welfare of Practitioners which is crucial as they can sometimes become the victim of a poorly formulated welfare plan. I have previously been appointed to look after a colleague's welfare and I had no idea what I should and shouldn't be doing. I felt totally out of my depth and nobody was able to to provide any real advice. Breathe changed this - and in doing so changed the lives of so many people - keep up the excellence you strive for!

I wanted to write to express my gratitude for the support I received from Breathe Centric. The Breathe Practitioner has been there for me at times I have needed her even when she has not been at work. I have been able to confide in her and know that without her support and care I wouldn't have been able to come into work and deal with what has been going on. Her ongoing support has meant I have not had to call in sick. Her genuine concerns about my welfare speak volumes about the type of person she is and I will be forever grateful for what she has done for me. There are times I have had to contact her when she has been on courses or other work tasks yet she has never turned me away and has always made time for me. She always follows through and contacts me to make sure I am doing ok which means so much as I have never had anyone provide the kind of support she has. It is refreshing to know there is a welfare plan for colleagues who are struggling and that there is a system in place now where they no longer need to suffer alone or have to just get on with it and that I can signpost them to Breathe.

I was worried at first about approaching anyone asking for help in changing my lifestyle. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I was unable to sort myself out. But I emailed Breathe Centric and within 24 hours they gave me a call. It was like talking to and old friend! They listened and heard what I was trying to achieve and set me up with an initial 7 day plan that was realistic for me to achieve. Within 3 days, I felt like a different person! I woke up feeling less drained and more positive about the day ahead. I have now been on the Breathe Lifestyle programme for 4 weeks and it has changed my outlook on life - this isn't about a fad diet or telling you off for not exercising. Its about practical support but allowing me to take control of my life with a little leg up. I will never be able to thank my Lifestyle coach enough other than to do this one thing and say get in touch the Breathe Centric today - it will change your life!

As a man, I always assumed going to the gym and eating less burgers would be all I really needed to do to be healthy. However once COVID hit, I started to think a bit more about my choices. I contacted Breathe Centric to enquire about their lifestyle programme after being referred by a friend. There was no pressure whatsoever to sign up to the programme and I was told to think about things before I committed - even though I was ready to sign up after our first conversation! The bespoke touch is what I found most impressive - the time taken to understand you as a person so you aren't set up to fail. That and the prices - HIGHLY competitive!

I am a Response Policing Team Sergeant with 14 years experience. I am also a run group leader of a ladies running group, a half marathon runner who is currently running the 874 mile Lands End to John O'Groats virtual challenge and I regularly run up to 130 miles every month. I am not afraid to admit that the bleep test terrifies me. I spend 364 days of every year with the constant niggle at the back of my mind. Will this be the year that I fail it and ultimately lose my job? This year is different. Police fitness testing has been the subject of much national interest and debate and recognising the anxiety that the bleep test causes for so many of us, Breathe Centric offered those who are struggling a six week support programme......free! I emailed them the minute I saw the offer, they replied immediately and I had a telephone appointment the following day. They were kind, compassionate and understanding. They listened to my fears and gave lots of advice on how I could improve my fitness, my lifestyle in general and also ideas for reducing my anxieties. They were knowledgeable and professional and the communication from them has been brilliant. I put much of their advice into practice straight away and although I have much less than six weeks left until my JRFT, I am already feeling more confident and am equipped with strategies to cope. My only disappointment is that I have had to look outside of my own force for the support I needed. I would thoroughly recommend Breathe Centric and I am looking forward to continuing to work with them beyond the bleep test! Thank you so much for making a big difference to my welfare.
Breathe Lifestyle Interim Package Client

I had failed the dreaded bleep test 5 times since November 2020. I thought I was training right but I couldn’t shake the anxieties. I contacted Breathe Centric as in honesty didn’t know what else to do. I was set up with a slightly different training programme but the game changer was someone actually listening and understanding why the sound of that little bleep filled me with terror. Practical coping skills were talked through and I even had follow up calls to see how I was getting on from AJ. No judgment, just whole support. Three weeks into the programme and I passed the bleep test without hassle. As a seasoned Police Officer who over the past decade have struggled with the bleep test for my own reasons, I can’t tell you what a difference this has made to me. Something I once feared I now look in the face and smile at. Breathe were right along side me that day and my success is as much credit to them as it is to myself.
Emma - County Force Police Officer

Having a baby, maternity leave and lockdown left me without hope of passing my JRFT. I just couldn't see the end, but I knew how important it was. Breathe reached out to me. I admit I was sceptical however within 2 minutes of the phonemail I felt calm, reassured and that only my best interests were at heart. It was a safe place to voice my concerns, a person I could trust. The acknowledgment that we are all individuals, that not one size fits all was amazing. It it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have the pride of passing the bleep test and seeing how far I had come.
Met Sergeant

I would like to thank you all at Breathe Centric for the offer you gave to help. The programme you designed I found beneficial and achievable for myself and where I found myself at that time of need. Of most help was the empathy and understanding of the anxiety I faced over the JRFT and in particular this time, having to wear a mask. The techniques offered assisted greatly and I was able to successfully pass my JRFT. I cannot thank Natalie enough.
Serving Police Officer

Breathe Centric's Team Credentials
* Traumatic incident management at Practitioner and Manager levels
* Mental Health First Aid
* CMI – Level 5 Management and Leadership including:
1. Managing operational threats and risks
2. Principles of Management and Leadership
3. Develop and implement operational plans
4. Obtain, analyse and provide information to support decision making
5. Initiate and implement operational change
* LLB Law (Hons)
* Supervising Safely
* Problem solving Advisors
* Critical thinking
* Custodial Care
* Equality and Diversity
* Maintain and develop self knowledge, skills and competence
*Prevention and management of inappropriate behaviour
* Critical Incident Management
* Planning and reviewing how to meet individual needs
* Support individuals to partake in purposeful activity
* Support individuals experiencing difficulty
* Contribute to protect individuals from abuse
* Support individuals when abuse is disclosed
* Help individuals to maintain and develop healthy relationships
* Assess individuals behaviour and plan provision
* Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities
* Support individuals who are substance users
* Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff and external agencies
*Develop control strategies for people who are a risk to themselves or others
* Promote and reinforce positive behaviour goals
*Assess individual needs and planned activities
* Communicate effectively
* Resource management
* Staff care and wellbeing
* 50+ years experience across blue light services
* Fatigue – impact and management
* Train the trainer
* Anti bribery awareness
* Developing a strategic response to Mental Health
* Mental Health and Learning
* Disabilities Programme
* CLDP – Being a Leader
* CLDP – Critical Incident Management
* Providing a first response to Mental Health Incidents
* Member of the British Society of Criminology
* Member of the Society of Evidence Based Policing
* Suicide Prevention
* Psychological First Aid
* Mindful nutrition
* Homeopath
* Personal Trainer
* Job Related Fitness Test Experts
Breathe Centric Ltd is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate in reaching out today.
Breathe Centric Ltd, International House, 64 Nile Street, London N1 7SR, Company Number - 12386228
Twitter:@Ltdbreathe & Tel: 07923 906885